Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the website for Qwintry Global that is a USPS Postal Qualified Wholesaler and discount domestic and international postage and shipping label provider.


By creating a Qwintry Global account on qwintry.global (hereinafter – “site”), the purchaser or purchasing party, herein referred to as the Customer, agrees to the Terms and Conditions herein. If the account is established for a business or other entity, the person establishing the account represents that he or she has all necessary authority to establish an account with Qwintry Global on behalf of the business or other entity.


Qwintry Global does not require any long-term contracts or commitments. Users are free to terminate their plan at any time. In the event an account is closed, any unused postage will be fully refunded in accordance with the United States Postal Service ("USPS") policies.


Qwintry Global will accept checks from US banks only for advance payment of postage purchases, subject to certain minimums. All other services and postage purchases shall be paid for in accordance with the following:

Customer understands the following: Customer remains in complete control of his/her payments; Customer will receive a receipt of his/her Qwintry Global charges when they are billed; should Customer dispute any portion of the statement, he/she must notify Qwintry Global at least three days prior to the due date; variations in usage, service, and/or fees affect the monthly charges and balance due; if Customer decides to cancel authorization of Automatic Credit/Debit Card Payments, Customer must notify Qwintry Global; should Customer's credit/debit card company reject the automatic payment, Qwintry Global may charge a return fee.

In consideration of your use of the Site and/or the Services, you agree to be subject to certain obligations. For any personal information (relating to you or your customers) that you provide to us through the Site (i.e. the address and phone number the credit card issuer has on file for the customer), you agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information as prompted and you further agree that you will not use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by the Terms. Providing incorrect information may cause delays in establishing service. Qwintry Global cannot be liable for the cases where such incorrect or not full information from Customers caused any negative consequences. Customers should keep Qwintry Global safe. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or not current, or if Qwintry Global has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, incomplete or not current, Qwintry Global has the right to refuse any and all current or future use of the Site (or any portion thereof). In case of any claims resulted from such incorrect or not full information provided and should compensate any losses and damages caused by such action or omission of Customers. The information received in connection with purchases will be protected and treated in accordance with Qwintry Global's Privacy Policy.

Postage Purchases

Purchase Methods: Postage purchases are billed when a customer elects to purchase postage. Due to the USPS's Automated Postage Verification (APV) program, designed to ensure that proper postage is paid for every package shipped domestically, monthly corrections may be necessary. This USPS program actively monitors that all postage paid for shipping labels matches the USPS assessed cost based on the weight, dimensions, box type, service selected, and origin and destination zip codes captured on their sorting equipment. If the USPS APV finds that postage paid was either too high or too low, the difference will be credited to or deducted from the sender's postage balance.

USPS has up to 30 days after shipment to issue an adjustment. Accordingly, Qwintry Global reserves the right to issue adjustments after the information is received from USPS.

Starting January 10, 2020, all Qwintry Global account balances will be adjusted based on the USPS's APV corrections on previous shipping fees. Any overpayments our customers made will be credited and any underpayments will be deducted.

Please note that incorrect postage paid will not delay package delivery time.

Payment Types

Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Payment methods are subject to change at any time.

When an account is initiated, the minimum postage purchase is $10. An unlimited number of postage purchases can be made. No sales taxes are applicable to purchases of postage.

General Payment Conditions

Please note that Qwintry Global may receive updated billing information regarding your credit card account, debit card account or bank account from your financial institution and by accepting this Service Agreement you are consenting to such updating.

Postage purchases, as well as fees related to such purchases, shall be applied to the Customer’s credit card at the time of purchase.

Product purchases, as well as fees related to such purchases, require credit card information to be supplied at the time of purchase and shall be applied to the Customer's credit card at the time of purchase.

Qwintry Global reserves the right to charge any overdue fees or other delinquent payments owed by the Customer by charging a credit/debit card.

Any check that is returned to Qwintry Global as uncollectible, for any reason, shall be grounds, at Qwintry Global's sole discretion, for immediate termination of service.

Qwintry Global reserves the right to charge any overdue fees or other delinquent payments owed by the Customer by direct debit from a US-based checking account (ACH) if such checking account information has been provided by the Customer to be debited via ACH by Qwintry Global for any purpose. By the Customer's continued use, the Customer hereby gives Qwintry Global permission for such direct debit (ACH) charges to the Customer's checking account for any overdue fees or other delinquent payments owed.

Customer understands the following: Qwintry Global's obligations to the Customer end at the moment the USPS shipping label is created by the Customer via qwintry.global site. Qwintry Global is not liable for the package delivery, it's delay, damage or loss in transit — these are separately managed by USPS and Global Green in case the package is insured by the Customer.


Qwintry Global offers, through a partnership arrangement with Global Green, a comprehensive package insurance plan for those customers desiring this additional service. For prices and details, please see available insurance options during label creation.

Unused and Misprinted Postage, Refunds and Closeouts

Refunds for misprints: If determined valid, at Qwintry Global’s sole discretion, in accordance with applicable USPS policies, and if done in accordance with USPS refund rules and regulations, Qwintry Global will credit an active customer's account an amount equal to 100% of the value of the applicable postage face value for misprinted postage – certain restrictions apply. Should any processing fees be imposed by the USPS or other entities, such fees may be passed on to the customer but will not exceed the refund amount. Valid misprinted postage shall be defined as an envelope, paper, label, or label stock containing valid postage with full, intact Indicium which is scannable and unused, or items with USPS Tracking (formerly Delivery Confirmation) that are eligible for electronic refunds. Postage handled and/or returned to sender or lost in transit shall not be considered valid unused and/or misprinted postage. Upon confirmation of the validity of the unused postage and adherence to applicable Qwintry Global and USPS policies, Qwintry Global (see the Qwintry Global Refund Policy will credit the active customer's account according to USPS policies.

In accordance with applicable USPS policies, Qwintry Global will credit an active customer's account or issue them a check equal to 100% of the value of the applicable postage face value for unused postage at the time of closing an account.

Change in Billing, Prices, Promotions and Policies

Qwintry Global reserves the right to change billing procedures, costs, promotions and/or policies at any time without prior notice. All such changes will be posted on the Qwintry Global website, and emailed to existing active account holders and customers. Continuing to use the Qwintry Global website and/or service constitutes Customers’ affirmation that they have read and understood such notices and agree to the terms contained therein.

Use of Qwintry Global's service is subject to the terms and conditions of an end-user license agreement that will be agreed to as part of the registration process. Qwintry Global's service may not be used in violation of any law or in any way that interferes unreasonably with other customers’ use of the service. Qwintry Global reserves the right to verify the credit of all customers applying for the service. All transactions originating from the Customer's account are the responsibility of the Customer.

Qwintry Global reserves a right to withdraw the Customer’s accounts at its own discretion due to safety and security reasons or due to some other reasons without any obligation of motivation such reasons for the Customer.

The Customer has not any right to use any intellectual property of Qwintry Global or of Qwintry LLC including Banderolka and Qwintry trademarks; or act as an agent or intermediary of Qwintry Global without prior written consent duly signed by the representatives of the Customer and Qwintry Global. In case of infringement of intellectual property rights of Qwintry Global or dissemination of any information which doesn't correspond with actual facts, the Customer may bear the liability stipulated in the applicable legislation. In such cases, in addition to the damages and losses, Qwintry Global retains the right to claim damages as well as a lump sum reimbursement.

USPS Postage Account Requirements

You acknowledge and agree that the virtual postal postage account ("Postage Account") that you will acquire through the use of Qwintry Global software is subject to the conditions established by the Section 604 of the USPS Domestic Mail Manual . You further acknowledge and agree that you will not have any ownership rights in the Postage Account and that the Postage Account must be surrendered to Qwintry Global or the USPS upon demand. In addition, you acknowledge your understanding that if the Postage Account is used in any fraudulent or unlawful scheme or enterprise, or is not used during a twelve (12) consecutive month period, or if you fail to exercise sufficient control over the use of the Postage Account to preclude its unlawful or improper use, or if you take or allow the Postage Account to be taken outside the United States without prior written permission of the Manager of Retail Systems and Equipment, U.S. Postal Service, Washington DC 20260, or if you otherwise fail to abide by the provisions of postal regulations and this Agreement regarding care and use of the Postage Account, that this Agreement and any related Postage Account may be revoked. You also acknowledge that any use of this Postage Account to fraudulently deprive the USPS of revenue can cause you to be subject to civil and criminal penalties applicable to fraud and/or false claims against the United States. The submission of a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement can result in imprisonment for up to five (5) years and a fine of up to $10,000 (18 U.S.C. 1001). In addition, a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an additional assessment of twice the amount falsely claimed may be imposed (31 U.S.C. 3802). The mailing of matter bearing a fraudulent Postage Account imprint is an example of a violation of these statutes.

In case if any person uses Qwintry Global services in a fraudulent way or breaches any provisions stated herein, other rules of Qwintry Global and/or applicable legislation, Qwintry Global can use all the legal means given by the applicable legislation to protect the interests of Qwintry Global. Such breaching and/or fraudulent person is obliged to compensate for Qwintry Global all the losses and damages caused by such breaching/fraudulent actions or omissions and besides that Qwintry Global can claim a penalty in a non-judicial way. Qwintry Global decides the matter on the size of such penalty at its own discretion in accordance with the kind of the breaching/fraudulent actions or omissions which was made. Qwintry Global reserves a right to retain any property of such breaching/fraudulent person to protect its interests.

USPS Rental, Lease or Use Agreements

By accepting these terms and conditions with Qwintry Global, you acknowledge that you are also entering into an Agreement with the United States Postal Service (USPS) in accordance with the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) 604.4, Postage Payment Methods, Postage Meters and PC Postage Products (Postage Evidencing Systems) and accept responsibility for control and use of the PES contained herein.

You also acknowledge that you have read the Domestic Mail Manual 604.4, Postage Payment Methods, Postage Meters and PC Postage Products (Postage Evidencing Systems) and agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing its use.

Failure to comply with the rules and regulations contained in the DMM or use of the PES in any fraudulent or unlawful scheme or enterprise may result in the revocation of this Use Agreement.

You further acknowledge that any use of this PES that fraudulently deprives the USPS of revenue can cause the Customer to be subject to civil and criminal penalties applicable to fraud and/or false claims against the United States. The submission of a false, fictitious or fraudulent statement can result in imprisonment of up to five (5) years and fines of up to $10,000 (18 U.S.C. 1001). In addition, a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an additional assessment of twice the amount falsely claimed may be imposed (3 U.S.C. 3802).

You further understand that the rules and regulations regarding the use of this PES as documented in the DMM may be updated from time to time by the USPS and it is your obligation to comply with any current and future rules and regulations regarding its use.

No Warranties


Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

Qwintry Global can change the present Terms and Conditions and other rules and provisions places on the site at any time at its own discretion, placing such changes on the site. The customers accept such changes by continuing to use the Qwintry Global services.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Site, the Terms, the Privacy Policy or the Postage Refund Policy, please email us at global@qwintry.global.

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About Us

Qwintry Global has more than ten years of experience in developing IT-solutions for international logistics.

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